The Practical Mystic Class

Join us to boost your inspiration and receive powerful techniques for thriving through the rapidly changing energies of our times. During this course, one of our most popular classes, Nigel offers you effective and easily applied wisdom keys from ancient and modern mystery schools which meld into paradigm-shifting and enlightening discovery. 


As guided by Spirit, he takes you on a journey to access the hidden potential of your Authentic Self. In this sacred space, you will access treasures to make your life ever-abundant.  This is a “not to be missed” gathering. By embracing powerful teachings, life-changing Inner Plane work, and a results-oriented focus, you will soar into a new  way of creating, seeing and being in your personal world. 


Take time now to feel the joy and freedom of a purpose-driven life. Awaken as “The Practical Mystic”. Nigel has presented this class around the world now, and in it he offers his insights, gleaned from a lifetime of involvement in the Mystical Traditions.


This workshop will be immediately helpful to you if:


  •  You have been feeling, for whatever reason, directionless, disheartened, dispirited, out of touch or out of sync with what you’re doing here and why it matters. (This is very common right now, even for those who have done a great deal of spiritual study, due to shifts in global energies. Knowing how to )


  • Your life often feels inexplicably stale, flat, a long series of “have tos” devoid of magic and miracles and unexpected delights. Feeling lighthearted takes a back set to responsibility and to do lists.


  • You long to laugh more at the world without cynicism… to feel and give more deeply without being drained… to love more spontaneously while accepting a true measure of support from others with naturalness and grace.


  • You want to share the truth with others. You know your happiness is there. Yet you have to sustain a lifestyle or career that seems at odds with your spiritual journey – or simply unconnected with it. (Again, you are not alone in feeling this. We are called to be beacons of light and you need support to shine brightly.)


  • You wonder why you can’t beam light and healing to your children, your partner, our parents, your loved ones and friends… why your prayers or visualizations don’t bring them relief from the pain, the illness, the suffering. (Perhaps you don’t even feel able to do this for yourself.)


  • You sense it is possible to be so centered in ancient wisdom, so filled with a heartfelt connection to others, that you could gift the brilliance of miracles and magic to others… and yet it’s just so easy to lose that centeredness, to feel powerless to make your connection to the truth “stick.”


  • You often wonder whether a life in which you embody all the virtues of spirit – integrity, love, creativity, tenderness, generosity, respect, good humor and grace – is simply out of your reach. That you’ll always carry the baggage of old hurts and grievances… and that you just can’t believe it’s possible to forgive and finally be free of those burdens forever. Or you DO believe it’s possible – but not for YOU.


I don’t know anyone who doesn’t feel at least some of this. You may feel ALL this. Many people today are experiencing a profound evolutionary shift. They know a greatness of being is within their reach. They sense a beauty in all things. They study and meditate and truly believe they can change the content of their lives by exploring their consciousness.


I do know there are few who really live from this enlightened place… 


From a place of knowing who they really are, and breathing true peace and love with into each breath…


Who know how to achieve this, amidst the apparent chaos and self-imposed limitations of our “mass-hypnotized” world. 


I believe that you are one of the souls alive today who can channel the ancient wisdom and love of Source. That you can live as a “modern mystic”. 


And that together, we can paradigm-shatter our way into better creation for all. This is “why we were born.” To love and to serve, and to know ourselves and our Source.  Nigel will be showing you this pathway at his next workshop. He will teach you how to walk the pathway to living as a realized being while still inside “reality” as we know it.


Because you are reading this, you are already on the pathway. We hope you will join us for the next step.

During the Practical Mystic Experience you’ll discover . . .


  • How to claim the ancient and timeless keys to the Master’s Heart. By simply being there, you will have an opportunity to accept this spiritual gift. If you do nothing else, taking this simple step will fling open the shutters and flood your being with the light of your true purpose. 


  • The Laws of Alchemical Magic and how you can work with them to make practical changes to anything in your world.  You’ll be astounded when you see how the recent emphasis on “manifestation” actually prevents you from aligning with the universal powers of transmutation and transfiguration.


  • The most powerful methods for cleansing yourself of cultural brainwashing so you can finally break the bondage of old paradigms. Just one of these techniques, practiced faithfully, will ease your transition from being a slave to some ancestral paradigm imposed on you. Yes, you’ll finally taste the freedom that comes from being master of your own soul.


  • Why you must learn to embrace and access the authentic teachings of those holy beings who have gone before and live beyond time. They are real, they exist today, and they want you to become part of the movement to teach and join with other Practical Mystics. (There are more of us than you know)


  • The gifts left behind by the the sages and how to live them in your daily life. These truths offer you authentic Power – a silent, steady, fearless Power. Feel what it’s like to activate your personal growth and how to spread this Power for global transformation.


  • How to triumph over limitation, banish fear, and find the courage to free yourself from all that has held you back in your life, in your heart, and in your mind.


  • Authentic Soul Healing unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. During these  group meditation Journeys in Spirit, our collective Power supports and protects us as Nigel leads us to inner realms that are deeper and brighter than you can possibly imagine! Return from these journeys feeling new, refreshed, with an inner peace that is unshakeable and irreversible.


All of this – and much more – is yours when you join Nigel as he leads you through the magical realms and brilliant  realities of The Practical Mystic. At last, you can access, understand and engage all the glorious, hidden facets of your true Self… experience new ways of living, loving, and evolving – as a human, a person, a multi-dimensional, powerful being of Light!


Many like minded souls will be there, waiting for your return to the path. Will you join us?